A couple of days ago, the new PM of Britain, the one not actually elected, just replacing his mate Tony B, must have come up with an amazing revelation. He thought if hospitals were to beat infection, they need to be... wait for it... CLEAN! Who would have thought that hygiene would be necessary anywhere near a hospital? He made big new, here's the BBC's version of it.

So, what I wonder about is why and how could this - a "first world", "developed" country could get to this point, where hospitals are so dirty that the PM has to tell them to clean up!? In my world, where ever I have lived and visited hygiene was important, and the lack of it often leads or led to disease. Surely, this was one of the basics of nursing that Florence Nightingale came up with, a very British lady herself.

I'm walking home, it's an average day, something draws my attention. A squirrel is running right in front me, crossing my path. It looks up at me, stops briefly, and carries on, not at all afraid of me!

The squirrel is of course not red, not like it should be, on this island that I live on. Oh, no it's a grey (American) squirrel. They are stronger and bigger than the reds, I remember, so have driven them aways from this land. I believe it's probably up in Yorkshire where the reds still live.
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