The squirrel is of course not red, not like it should be, on this island that I live on. Oh, no it's a grey (American) squirrel. They are stronger and bigger than the reds, I remember, so have driven them aways from this land. I believe it's probably up in Yorkshire where the reds still live. Actually, it's not just their Americanism that's a problem, the Forestry Commission has a policy of containing them, here are some FAQs. And it seems that it's not the warmed up London - due to pollution - that causes their lack of their hibernation, it's just the way they are...
So, I wonder about what else is American about life here. My first thought is of the numbers games. I remember as a child, rich people had milliards, notbillions, there were no billionaires. Now, that really is due to Americans. Although they like and have biggers houses, cars and roads, not to mention food portions, their billion only has 9 zeros, not 12 like everyone else. Somehow, they've decided their wealth and measures can be smaller. So, in reality Bill Gates' money, does not have 12 zeros in front of it, that would be absurd. Wall Street likes to have billions quoted. Here's a site explaining the difference between British and US numbers, but the British numbers happen to be internationally used, except for in the USA.
Many other American things pop to mind:
- Yes, I walked past a McDonald's, no surprise there.
- I also walked past an HMV, full of Hollywood films, and American singers' CDs, then there was TK Maxx. Starbucks happens to be on the other side of the road, while I can smell Subway from 100 meters away. Oh, and there's the Burger King.
- Some of the cars were Fords, but many were European.
- I don't know much on botany, but wonder if the oaks are American.
- American cockroaches, although not visible on my walk, do live here aplenty.
- The Economist magazine waiting for me at home, focuses mostly on America, the world's only super power at this time.
- The news is dominated (still) by the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 - not that their attempt in Afghanistan two years earlier has been a success or finished...
- And they threaten more invasions and sanctions on those against them, especially if they have oil. Watch out Iran and Venezuela.
- Of course, highly relevant and annoyingly their sub-prime mortgage lendings are affectin my economy, my personal economy even. I saved and didn't borrow beyond my means, but that's just NOT enough. American banks taking risks have been taking it for me. THANKS FOR NOTHING.
- Must not forget this - American religious fundamentalism, be it Christian or Jewish has made my world dangerous again. Would almost have been better if the Soviet Union exited, at least then they didn't have to invent an invisible enemy in some bearded idiots. Nor were those bearded idiots worried about blowing anybody up, except for when the Israelis continued taking their land.
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