Energy Security for the future - for us all
Last week, I went to a lecture at my old college, the famous Imperial College in London on the topic of Energy Security. It was being given by the esteemed Sir Roy Gardner, the current president of the Energy Institute. He was a good presenter, and knew what he wanted to say and how to say.
2Overwhelmed in supermarkets
I hate going to supermarkets anyway, they are dingy, with too much artificial cold light. They turn up their fridges many notches too high, so I have to wear a jacket to go there even in the summer. They are overcrowded, over-priced and over-packaged.
1Now for something personal
Is it a kick or just some gas? That is the BIG question. Rolling into week 17 of bearing my first one now. It's all exciting and weird. I feel exhausted, look bigger and am most curious about every detail.
Avidly I am reading each week's transformation for it and I.