Oh, how my fuse is about to blow about this "finance crisis".

First of all, I'd like to know if it's a crisis, a blip or a total melt down of the world as we've known it? I had always thought that money was meaningless, a man made concept, which didn't have any value of its own. However, if I am made to play by certain rules, i.e. have enough of the stuff to buy what I want or to pay for it later for sure, then why did other people get away with not living this way? Who thought it a good idea just lend out money randomly? And who thought it was good to take it and spend it without being able to pay it back? Money does NOT grow on trees.

So, now they've messed up, we're all paying for it having seen none of the benefits.

Strangely, babies do not sleep "like a baby". I.e. they do not sleep deeply and for long as long as they're tiny babies. They also do not just fall asleep randomly, they need help to sleep.

At least my baby does. So, I thought I'd try to get her to sleep earlier in the evenings, as her natural sleep time is 9.30 pm. Boy, was I wrong to do this? She can fall asleep earlier, but then wakes up only to cry for an hour or sulk, or wakes up in the middle of the night.

So, there's attachment pareting to try. But my baby cries in carriers. We've waited around & now at 4 months she can sit a bit forward, hurrah. Happier baby? Well, yes if she could sleep. She's so excited and hungry these days that she sleeps little.

So, living in a new country is always very INTERESTING. Not only due to new culture, views, people, etc. The language is highly important in this integration. Now, I learn a few new words everyday and can communicate more comfortably as a result each day.

However, yesterday walking in the park, I realised how vocabulary is formed by my lifestyle/stage. I was walking with my baby's pram, and wanted to avoid the big slugs who had come out after the rain.

So, Bush wants to drill Alaskan wilderness to get oil out. But, hey at the same time, he psuedo-threatens Iran with attacks, so the price of oil goes up. What's he going to do with Nigeria where oil infrastructure is constantly under threat? For example read this.

Maybe he should stop waving his gun about and put a thinking cap on. It is so frustrating this one man (or his successors) will essentially fully rule our lives.

So, life has been very hectic now for the past 7 weeks. My baby's just that old, and I am learning so much from her. I have already learnt much patience and spontaneity. I have also learned to be much less selfish, more organised and how to read someone else. With her honest behaviour, there are no games to play, and I play no games with her. It is just totally wonderful.

She is beautiful even when she cries. That's her only way of communicating, so I just try to help her through it.

Tax them or let them fight it out amongst themselves

Environmental or Carbon taxes are never popular as people cannot see CO2, nor the environment, a bit like the wood for the trees on this one, and no tax is ever popular anyhow. So, governments shy away from this type where they can. Britain in the rich world has been particularly shy, reducing its percentage of tax income from environmental taxes by 1.68% 1996-20071.

Good old water

Old ideas sometimes are very good: get your running water to turn the turbine you use to make electricity/flour, etc. Of course, not everywhere is this possible, but we can build up the water and then use its and gravity's force. Not bad, let us do more where we can and it does NOT ruin existing environment. Let us do this and not flood people's villages and farms or disturb local ecosystems.

Free standing turbines could then be the answer.

Free energy anyone?

Whoever heard of anything for free? Well, let us see. As hunter gatherers, we had everything for free, it was all just there and we either hunted or gathered it. As for housing, well, there were caves or trees to provide shelter, in the worst case scenario, we could make tools to cut the wood from the trees to make things. Simple, was it not? When man invented the concept of money, then things changed.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), an answer?

So, the UK is running out of oil AND gas. It has seen decline in its production since 1999. A country that hugely benefited from this (but I must add did nothing like Norway to save its heritage for its future generations – at least something for the Scots whose seas were being dug up) in the way of coming out of its post-war depression and poverty is now facing choices about its energy future.
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