So, this morning I heard on the radio that the people of Gaza made wholes in their western wall and poured out to Egypt - with the help of Hamas. As news reports go, it told most of the story, some bits are to be confirmed, but the essence of the matter, which is that Gazans poured out of their strip for basic necessities is true, and also found here for example.

These poor people - literally for they have no economy left - had to get out if they wanted to get food, fuel or any other supplies. 1.5 million people are surrounded by two walls, built to border Israel and Egypt to keep them in and stop them from doing things the Israelis don't like, e.g. launch rockets at them.

Hmm, somehow, imprisoning 1.5 million people with no provisions, reminds me of something to do with about how 6 million people were treated under a Fascist regime in Europe over 60 years ago. Did victim become aggressor, because it can? Is Gaza a big concentration camp? It chills me to the bone...

These borders walls do not work to stop the rocket attacks, but breed even more trouble and hatred. The little 7 year old who is suffering in Gaza today, can very well turn out to become a suicide bomber or launch numerous rockets at Israel before s/he is killed at a premature age by the same foe. AND it's not because s/he's born a hater of its neighbouring country or its people, NO, these things are bred, by society - both in close proximity and at large...

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