So, living in a new country is always very INTERESTING. Not only due to new culture, views, people, etc. The language is highly important in this integration. Now, I learn a few new words everyday and can communicate more comfortably as a result each day.
However, yesterday walking in the park, I realised how vocabulary is formed by my lifestyle/stage. I was walking with my baby's pram, and wanted to avoid the big slugs who had come out after the rain. Two words I hadn't yet really used, AVOID SLUG, would not come to mind.
This lead me to remember the sort of vocabulary I have learnt since I live here, much about pregnancy, medical questions/history, hospital, babies, baby things to buy, furniture, food everywhere (supermarket, market, restaurant, bakery, etc.), hairdresser, etc. That is indeed varied I'd say, topped up with serious stuff with the Neue Zuecher Zeitung.
Language is amazing.
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