Oh, how my fuse is about to blow about this "finance crisis".
First of all, I'd like to know if it's a crisis, a blip or a total melt down of the world as we've known it? I had always thought that money was meaningless, a man made concept, which didn't have any value of its own. However, if I am made to play by certain rules, i.e. have enough of the stuff to buy what I want or to pay for it later for sure, then why did other people get away with not living this way? Who thought it a good idea just lend out money randomly? And who thought it was good to take it and spend it without being able to pay it back? Money does NOT grow on trees.
So, now they've messed up, we're all paying for it having seen none of the benefits. Where did all that money go? In big bosses' pockets? Then make them lend money to the banks or give back their larger-than-life bonuses for goodness' sake. Why should I bail out AIG, RBS, Bayerische Landsbank et al. ?? Those guys were the experts after all.
I want my government(s) to spend my tax money on good things - education, health, environment, social services to name but a few NOT on banks. So, now that they have and I can't change it, I don't want them to brag about capitalism and democracy they way they run it.
The chap in Die Zeit was right. We're now expecting China (and Russia even) to save capitalism. Oh, George Orwell, you were so right. Four legs started to look like two legs, but now two legs are coming off the high and starting to walk on four again!!!
Okay, feel a bit a better now I've vented off.
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