How revolting, revolving, what is this revolution thing about? Here's a definition. Now, the firstdefintion is probably good enough to get us going:
Possibly violent change/overthrow/rejection of a government/regime by its subjects. We've seen ithappen soooo many times in history and when did it ever work properly?
People of Britainviolently removed their king (including his head from his body), only to restore power to his sonsome years later, albeit he had to listen a little bit more to the parliament, who were still the nobelsand sons of nobels that served father king. Then there was the French revolution, hmm, let's say no more about Napoleon Bonaparte, except that he was a tyrant who made a world war, but is still remembered as the French Emperor of all times. Okay, the Russian revolution, hmm, where did it get to? Yes, the serfs overthrew the Tsar, but who killed millions of the serfs and their countrymen? The devoted communists Lenin & Stalin just to start with.
I'm running out of breath, so will just point at Cuba quickly before my main target. This beautiful island is a mess, isolated, has no economy, but is still proud of its revolution. Just as is Iran, the Islamic Republic is proud. 30 years today since the revolution that allowed it to germinate. Hmm, yes independence from the USA was brought on by Socio/Communist Islamist students, who then lost the power to the current rulers. Did they even think about what they were doing? The last bloke was not happily a puppet of the US, he chose sides for a reason, didn't want to be swallowed up by the big BAD Soviet Union, too right. And let us remember even the old dog UK has to suckle on mama USA. It's the way it is in today's world.
So, answer me this people of the previous generation in Iran. What was wrong with your lives, so drastically wrong, that you couldn't solve by dialogue and without revolution? Were you upset Iran had not been invaded for centuries, and hadn't lost its young men to stupid wars? Were you upset its economy was on the way up? Were you upset that its population was sustainble, and had better hopes for the future than most of its peers? Did you want your young to die or leave the country? Well, if you did, here you are, it's all there. WELL done.
What is this about changing managers every three minutes? My club (Spurs) does it, even Chelsea does it. The most successful club/manager in England are whom? OH, Man U, and how long have they held onto their manager? Yes, 20+ years. Hmm, put two and two together people!!!!
And while I'm here: three jobs to recommend to my child to seek: Football manager, politician or banker. No matter how crap they are or what mistake they make, sacking means nothing, they get a job within minutes or if not, then BIG bonuses they received while they were crap helps...0Add a comment
Sharon - seedless & sweet (Product of Israel)
No, no, not the fat old prime minister (is he still alive? I don't care to look it up.)
I was about to wash my Sharon fruit - Persimmon that I saw this on a sticker and giggled. Well, Ariel Sharon was certainly not sweet, and probably has kids. What this did make me do was look up what this fruit is about, and it's certainly no native of the disputed lands. Luckily this land is so furtile that it can grow ANYthing, including hatred, stupidity and wars.
What is my point? Only that I thought and rethought several times before I bought and then later ate this fruit. Would my boycotting products from Israel make a dent on their economy, make them think twice about wars and help anything? Hmm, I thought not. Just look at the sanctions against Iran, all they've brought about are poorer people and a more determined and stupid government.
So, what is the solution? I don't really know if anything but education helps. When everone is well-informed (educated) they can hopefully see other points of view and understand one another. Maybe. Well, I hope so. We should perhaps be looking to set up more schools, more educational charities, and free this wonderful medium of the internet for the world to use...0Add a comment
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