An idiot in France has killed a number of "his enemies", which include children as revenge for children in another part of the world that he probably knows NOTHING about. It is an absolute disgrace and VERY VERY sad.

He is of Algerian origin, influenced by Afghan-based, Saudi-financed idiots.
11 months since I last wrote here. There has been and is so much that I want to say and that occupies my mind!

Where do I start, no continue? Okay, in stream of consciousness.

The Arabic spring

Actually I don't know what spring in Arabic is, will have to look it up.
It is a long time since I wrote. In this time I have been growing my second baby, and I guess that is the reason that I have not been busy with other things. There are still 3 months to go, but I cannot avoid what is going on in the area where I kind of originate from, i.e. Mid East/North Africa.
30 years ago it started. 8 year it lasted. It effects will be felt, echoed for many decades still to come.

It put fear in the hearts of millions, cost millions of lives and unbelievable amounts of money of course.

I remember so much fear during the 8 years.
What is an -ism?

It is a suffix that describes an ideology. Known examples are: Communism, Imperialism, Capitalism, Fascism, Feudalism, Federalism, Optimism, Sexism, Ageism, Judaism, etc. etc.
Once an immigrant, always an immigrant? Or does this not make any sense? In my case, however it is true. Here I want to put my point of view of immigration across.
Just eating my lunch, thought again of my theory... The last shah of Iran is not dead, look he is here. Don't believe me, here was the Shah. They are look-a-likes, one has to admit.
How living beings share the sun's light

The light that reaches the earth from the sun changes mostly into warmth and sooner or later leaves our globe. The sun's energy has become the life-giving current, which all take a part of.
A poem from Ghadeh Alsaman

An able poet from Syria

If you come to my home, bring me a pencil, a black pencil;

I want to draw a line on my face, so I won't be caged for the crime of beauty, also a cross on my heart so I won't be tempted!

Give me an eraser for erasing the lips, I don't want anyone

A poem from Ghadeh Alsaman
An able poet from Syria

If you come to my home, bring me a pencil, a black pencil;
I want to draw a line on my face, so I won't be caged for the crime of beauty, also a cross on my heart so I won't be tempted!
Give me an eraser for erasing the lips, I don't want anyone to blacken me due to their redness.
A shovel, so I uproot my feminine virtues, sow my being... without these is heaven's way easier.
Give me a razor to shave my hair off and air my head, and to think some without head cover.
Give me thread and needle, for my tongue. I want... to sew it to my mouth... this way are my cries quieter.
Don't forget the scissors, I want to censor my thoughts!
I also need washing powder to wash my brain!
When I've washed my brain to hang it on the line so the wind can take my marks to where the Arab threw his flute.
Do you know? One should be realistic! If you find a silencer, also take it!
I want to shut my sobs in my throat when they beat me as a prostitute for the crime of love and choice.
I want a copy of my identity, to, so when the religious brothers and sisters swear at me and humiliate me in the name of preaching, I can remember who I am.
Pray to god... if you see they sell rights somewhere, buy some for me, so I can mix it with my food and deny me them before others do.
Finally, if you get some money, buy me a sign to hang on my neck... and I'll write on it in large letters:

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Es is the 19th letter of many languages.

Es means "are" in French and "is" in Spanish.

Es means "it" in German.

But, in French est also means "is".

So, writing my German essay in my exam today, I caught myself, my mistake. I had est where es belonged.

How revolting, revolving, what is this revolution thing about? Here's a definition. Now, the firstdefintion is probably good enough to get us going:

Possibly violent change/overthrow/rejection of a government/regime by its subjects.

What is this about changing managers every three minutes? My club (Spurs) does it, even Chelsea does it. The most successful club/manager in England are whom? OH, Man U, and how long have they held onto their manager? Yes, 20+ years.
Sharon - seedless & sweet (Product of Israel)

No, no, not the fat old prime minister (is he still alive? I don't care to look it up.)

I was about to wash my Sharon fruit - Persimmon that I saw this on a sticker and giggled. Well, Ariel Sharon was certainly not sweet, and probably has kids.
Oh, how my fuse is about to blow about this "finance crisis".

First of all, I'd like to know if it's a crisis, a blip or a total melt down of the world as we've known it? I had always thought that money was meaningless, a man made concept, which didn't have any value of its own.
Strangely, babies do not sleep "like a baby". I.e. they do not sleep deeply and for long as long as they're tiny babies. They also do not just fall asleep randomly, they need help to sleep.

At least my baby does.
So, there's attachment pareting to try. But my baby cries in carriers. We've waited around & now at 4 months she can sit a bit forward, hurrah. Happier baby? Well, yes if she could sleep. She's so excited and hungry these days that she sleeps little.
So, living in a new country is always very INTERESTING. Not only due to new culture, views, people, etc. The language is highly important in this integration. Now, I learn a few new words everyday and can communicate more comfortably as a result each day.
So, Bush wants to drill Alaskan wilderness to get oil out. But, hey at the same time, he psuedo-threatens Iran with attacks, so the price of oil goes up. What's he going to do with Nigeria where oil infrastructure is constantly under threat? For example read this.
So, life has been very hectic now for the past 7 weeks. My baby's just that old, and I am learning so much from her. I have already learnt much patience and spontaneity. I have also learned to be much less selfish, more organised and how to read someone else.
Tax them or let them fight it out amongst themselves

Environmental or Carbon taxes are never popular as people cannot see CO2, nor the environment, a bit like the wood for the trees on this one, and no tax is ever popular anyhow. So, governments shy away from this type where they can.
Good old water

Old ideas sometimes are very good: get your running water to turn the turbine you use to make electricity/flour, etc. Of course, not everywhere is this possible, but we can build up the water and then use its and gravity's force.
Free energy anyone?

Whoever heard of anything for free? Well, let us see. As hunter gatherers, we had everything for free, it was all just there and we either hunted or gathered it.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS), an answer?

So, the UK is running out of oil AND gas. It has seen decline in its production since 1999.

Indeed this is about the sort that we use to make our machines work, in all sorts of ways, to make our lives easier. This is a most fascinating topic and of dire and great consequence in human life.
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