What is an -ism?
It is a suffix that describes an ideology. Known examples are: Communism, Imperialism, Capitalism, Fascism, Feudalism, Federalism, Optimism, Sexism, Ageism, Judaism, etc. etc.
Another - new-ish -ism
A relatively new -ism is however the ideology that makes Islam (a religion) into a political movement. This is not necessarily a new idea, the caliphate of Islam already existed centuries ago, but the introduction of it to the wide world is new. I however am afraid that this particular -ism although disguised under a different name, is actually a better known and experienced one. Islamism is turning out to be nothing but fascism lurking under the robes of a mullah or an imam.
Fascism tends to march around in boots. In case of Islamism, the leaders march around in long robes, while the boots support them. The fascists in Italy may have looked for "superior racial qualities", the Islamist tend to look for "superior expressions of belief". One could be of any race, colour or even gender, as long as one dresses and behaves accordingly to belong to this club.
What is happening in Iran today, is a perfect example of what I allude to. Over 31 years ago, a bunch of lefties (communist, socialist, Islamic socialist) came together with a bunch of nationalists and some Islamists, supported by the naive liberals or democrats who missed the signs and turned a large, rich land to the new Fascism. My discussion is not about whether or not the monarchy worked or deserved to stay. It is water under the bridge. But, what is important is to look at today and what the future might bring.
What is true is that today, the Islamic-fascistic elements in Iran are simply filling up the prisons and filling up their pocket with the petrodollars. They find any excuse to do this. One second, the opposition is being arrested, one second a woman with a thin headscarf, another moment a journalist who may have take a photo that shows it is not all bliss. This extremism that is going on today, is about as bad as the second year after the revolution, and some ten years then after. It is being carried out somewhat systematically, with disastrous consequences.
It is causing the brains to drain faster where they can or rot in prison where they can't. Those outside who may have brought business with them do not dare enter. Foreigners are isolating the land and leaving it to itself. Natural resources are wasted, bogus industries are growing and the armoury ever more expanding. Friends of yesterday (read Russia) are turning into foes.
It sound like Germany and Italy towards the end of their fascistic eras. The organisation of the system is nothing like Germany, but perhaps the chaos a bit like Italy. Even at the top nobody holds a clear position.
This can all mean only one thing: The end is near. (what the replacement is - is a whole other question)
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