An idiot in France has killed a number of "his enemies", which include children as revenge for children in another part of the world that he probably knows NOTHING about. It is an absolute disgrace and VERY VERY sad.
He is of Algerian origin, influenced by Afghan-based, Saudi-financed idiots. He calls himself a muslim and wants to avenge muslim children who were "murdered" by jews in Israel. FOR GOODNESS SAKE - this is just a mad man. He could also have said he is from the dark-side and would kill all those who wear blue light-sabres. Or he could be a white man from Oslo who kills anyone socialist or brown or ... or....
BUT, we know what will happen now. Marie Le Pen has started it already. There will be a big scaremogering from the media in Europe about muslims and immigrants and assylum seekers and the need to bomb Iran to ruins and start a 3rd world war and how the immigrants of the brown colour from the outer world of islamia need to be castrated or integrated. And so on.
Oh, what a shame on this man for his lunacy. Oh, what a shame on the media. Oh, what a shame on people who take things out of all proportion. Oh, what a shame on extremists of any shape and colour. Oh, what a shame for us.
11 months since I last wrote here. There has been and is so much that I want to say and that occupies my mind!
Where do Istart, no continue? Okay, in stream of consciousness.
The Arabic spring
Actually I don't know what spring in Arabic is, will have to look it up. It has had some success, much uncertainty and a long way to go. BUT, well done people of these lands. You are making yourselves heard.
Neo-Nazi terror in Germany
This so-called cell of three. What were they up to and why did they get away with it? I think we may never really know, but hey closing the right eye to look only to the left and at the new Islamism (which side is that on actually?) was probably the wrong thing. I doubt here in Germany anything like the horror of over 70 years ago will happen again, but best be awake, aware with all eyes open, and borrow some for the back of the head.
Having another small on in the family
She has now slept through two nights in a row, each over 10 hours. Hoping this will continue. Well done little one. Unbelievably over 7 months already.
Iran, Iran
Nuclear weapons or not, this regime must change. It is getting nowhere. What will come is of course debatable and perhaps not the ideal democracy. But, hope never dies or is the last to die. So, lets go!
NO more nuclear energy (well, new) in Germany
Mrs. Merkel may always be unsure, but this was right, even if it was really just turning back the clock on a previous decision. Still, it is the result in this case that counts.
Coming along SLOOOOWLY.
Expensive Gold
What a surprise! Not! This and all other significant things have their price ups and downs.
Financial crisis
Until the media report on it, it will continue. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If all media say that shares are tumbling then they will... AND these rating agencies, where were they when this all started? They think they are gods of capitalism, I think.
okay, all for now. getting worked up. will write sooner next time.0Add a comment
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